Chillin’ like a Harwell Godfrey snail.

Diamonds in the Library     •     December 28, 2023, 6:00 pm
Hello my darlings, It’s the absolute tail end of the year, and I’m spending a lot of time moving slowly and cocooning myself in blankets. That’s all my body wants to do when the temperature drops and…
Discover All Diamond Jewellery Trends, Information & News     •     December 28, 2023, 2:15 pm
Pursuing the ethical sourcing of natural diamonds represents a complex challenge to the diamond industry that intertwines with the fabric of global commerce and human rights. As the glittering allure…
After Diamonds Blog     •     December 21, 2023, 3:25 pm
As you stand before the shimmering crossroads of choice, the question isn't just which diamond shines brighter, but which reflects the essence of who you are. You're not simply buying a stone; you're…
Check out for much more about diamonds and diamond jewellery.
