Annoushka appoints new chief executive

Jewellery Focus     •     February 23, 2024, 11:00 pm
British fine jewellery brand Annoushka has appointed Zia Zareem-Slade, formerly chief creative officer of Hauser and Wirth, as its new CEO starting February 2024. The news comes after Tim Hort,…
Flourish & Thrive Academy Blog     •     February 23, 2024, 4:47 pm
What if you’re not attracting the right customers? If the people walking up to you or meeting you online aren’t your ideal customers, it’s important to understand how to reel those dream ones in. …
Discover All Diamond Jewellery Trends, Information & News     •     February 23, 2024, 1:50 pm
Stepping into the world of self-gifting a diamond ring is like unlocking a treasure chest of personal empowerment and elegance. You might buy yourself a diamond ring for many reasons, but whatever…
Check out for much more about diamonds and diamond jewellery.
